About Us

We are an inclusive, growing and mission-focused congregation made up of lots of young families as well as grand members, of native Beaufortonians as well as recent newcomers to the Lowcountry. Our doors are wide open to you and your family. 

We are an inclusive, growing and mission-focused congregation 
made up of lots of young families as well as grand members, 
of native Beaufortonians as well as recent newcomers to the Lowcountry. 
Our doors are wide open to you and your family. 


  • What to expect

    First, welcome! We are so glad you found us and hope you will visit our vibrant community of faith here in Beaufort, SC.

  • What type of church is this?

    First Pres Beaufort is a Christian church affiliated with the Presbyterian Church (USA). Presbyterians affirm that God comes to us with grace and love in Jesus Christ, who teaches us how to live. As Jesus’ followers, we are called to serve in his name—feeding the hungry, comforting the lonely, welcoming strangers, and sharing his story. We believe that God gifts us with the Holy Spirit to dwell within us, giving us the energy, intelligence, imagination, and love to become Christ’s faithful disciples in the world.

  • When is worship?

    We worship each Sunday at 11 a.m.  Our doors are opened wide to you and your family. We are offer worship in our historic sanctuary that is also livestreamed for at home worship. For more information about our live stream click here

  • What is worship like?

    Worship is the heartbeat of our lives together. Our worship is intentional and traditional — drawing upon the richness and beauty of the liturgy and music through the ages. Our service features hymns, prayers, scripture readings, time for children and a sermon delivered with energy and imagination. We have a deep love for Scripture and believe that the stories of God’s love, power, and grace, can and should shape every aspect of our lives.

  • What about my children?

    We have LOTS of young families at First Pres Beaufort and your children are welcome in worship. Childcare is available every Sunday on the main level of the Education Building and children 2 and under can be dropped off in our Nursery prior to worship. For preschool and early elementary children, we have worship bags with crayons and drawing sheets. About 12 minutes into the service, there is a children’s sermon and all young folks are invited to come forward to hear a message just for them. After the children’s sermon, children 3-6 yrs can join the SonShine Club in the Education Building for the remainder of the service.  Children in grades 2nd-5th have the option to remain in worship or join the Spirit Seekers class which meets on the 2nd floor of the Education building.  The Spirit Seekers class will not meet on Communion Sundays, which is typically offered on the first Sunday of each month.  

  • How do I get there?

    Our campus is on the corners of Church and North Streets in historic downtown Beaufort. Our Sanctuary is located at 410 Church Street and across the street is our Office, Education and Outreach Building. Parking is available in two church parking lots and on the street. 

    Find us on the map

  • How do I get involved?

    There are many opportunities to get to know us better and get involved beyond worship at First Pres Beaufort.

    • Let us keep you updated by subscribing to our weekly E-News. 
    • Consider joining the church through a New Member Class. These classes take place throughout the year on Sunday mornings. Contact us at info@firstpresbeaufort.org for our next scheduled class.
    • Come attend one of the Sunday morning Sunday School Classes, which take place at 9 a.m.
    • Explore ways you can give back and Serve.
  • Want to know more?

    Join us on Sundays or email us at info@firstpresbeaufort.org so we can answer any questions. We look forward to hearing from you!


We worship each Sunday at 11 a.m. Our doors are opened wide to you and your family. 


First Pres Beaufort is a welcoming, active, other-focused, and growing faith community. The relationships we share sustain us. Our heart for mission carries us beyond our walls. We believe that God’s love is transformational, it continues to change us each day. Our model for living is Jesus, who poured himself out for others. We find that we are most fully alive when we serve together, pray together, eat together, and study together.


Believing that the power and practice 
of God’s love changes our lives,
we are a community of love and faith,
committed to welcoming all and serving others,
dedicated to extending love, grace, and forgiveness
so we can become more like Jesus.
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