Children and Family Ministries

Children and Family Ministries

Anchor Kids Registration
We believe that children are a wonderful gift. Children are loved and welcomed into our congregation at the earliest ages and it is our joy to help them learn and grow as a young disciple of Jesus. We have engaging and age-appropriate activities for our children and meaningful fellowship opportunities for the whole family.

We believe that children are a wonderful gift. Children are loved and welcomed into our congregation at the earliest ages and it is our joy to help them learn 
and grow as a young disciple of Jesus. We have engaging and 
age-appropriate activities for our children and meaningful 
fellowship opportunities for the whole family.


We have LOTS of young families at First Pres Beaufort and your children are welcome in worship. For preschool and early elementary children, we have worship bags with crayons and drawing sheets. About 12 minutes into the service, there is a children’s sermon and all children are invited to come forward to hear a message just for them. After the children’s sermon, children 3-6 years old can join the SonShine Club and children in grades 2nd-5th have the option to remain in worship or join the Spirit Seekers class which meets on the 2nd floor of the Education Building. The Spirit Seekers class will remain in worship when we have Communion Sundays, which is typically offered on the first Sunday of each month.  


After the children’s sermon in worship, children 3-6 years old can join the SonShine Club in the Education Building for the remainder of the service. Children in grades 2nd-5th have the option to remain in worship or join the Spirit Seekers class which meets on the 2nd floor of the Education building. 


Loving childcare is available every Sunday starting at 10:45 a.m. on the main level of the Education Building. Children 2 and under can be dropped off prior to worship. Children are able to play and learn in a safe and caring environment with appropriate toys, books, snacks and childcare professionals who love them.


Children are invited to serve during worship as an Acolyte or Greeter. This is a great way for kids to participate and meet others in our congregation.

Seasonal Children's Activities

Contact Us!

For more information contact our Associate for Ministry: Children, Families and Membership

Geneva Baxley at

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